If, as the saying goes, “the sheep is not from where it is born but from where it grazes”, being born in Seville has not prevented me from feeling from Madrid, Donostia (San Sebastian), the US, Mexico, Barcelona and Chile. Thanks to a long and deep vocational crisis, which led me to question the paradigms on which traditional education is based, I took the few useful knowledge that left me thestudies in Computer Science and Law, as well as a Masters in Foreign Trade, and founded Ameca in 1992, my first company dedicated to interactive systems for training. In Barcelona, in 1999 I started a second business project, Neos Knowledge and Learning, and since they were times of the internet bubble, I courageously returned to the classroom to study a Master in Internet Management.
In 2002 I landed in Chile with Talentus, a joint venture created by the UOC (through its company GECSA) and INTEC (belonging to CORFO) to offer innovative learning services. After a very convulsive year, I joined Catenaria to assist companies and public institutions identify their knowledge and capitalize it through strategies and projects of knowledge management. In 2011, we joined Knoco, a network of consulting firms specializing in knowledge management based in United Kingdom and presence in all continents.
Since then, I have been involved in leading and managing knowledge and learning projects for companies in sectors as diverse as banking, pharmaceuticals, petroleum, military, automotive, food, retail, insurance, mining, technology, electricity, water, education, construction, transportation, etc. At the public institutions level, in addition to supporting Ministries and Services such as Customs, Renewable Energy, Nuclear Energy, Electricity and Fuels, Public Works, Transparency, Judiciary, Defense, Agriculture, Housing, Education, Training and Employment, Productive Development or Taxes, I have been involved as a consultant in projects financed by the World Bank, the IDB and the UN focused on implementing knowledge management processes.
Parallel to project execution, I am a professor of a knowledge management module at the Catholic University and the USACH and I participate in Diplomas in Innovation Management.
I also devote a great deal of my time to lectures, workshops and courses related to knowledge management, learning, collaboration, error management, innovation and education.
For 10 years I have been writing a Knowledge Management column every month and I have participated with chapters and articles in several books and specialized magazines.
In 2015 together with my brother Jorge, we founded the consultancy company Knowledge Works.


Degree in Law (University of the Basque Country). Master in Internet Management by the Institut Català de Tecnología. Founding member of the Knowledge Management Club in Chile and since 2010, member of the arbitration committee of the educational magazine of the National Polytechnic Institute of Mexico.